PK - Kindergarten

"One of the greatest gifts adults can give—to their offspring and to their society—is to read to children."

Carl Sagan



If your child learns early to associate reading with pleasure, she is more likely to enjoy reading on her own when she is older.

1. Keep it Fun and Enjoyable –Make reading fun and enjoyable. Bring out the inner actor in yourself. Change your voice, make sounds, and laugh.

2. Hold your Child While you Read – Hold your child while you read. Does she have a favorite blanket or toy? If so, incorporate using the favorite blanket or toy in your reading. Maybe you can read to the favorite toy.

3. Interact with your Child – Give your child the opportunity to read along. Ask a lot of questions.

4. Read Books about What Interests your Child –Try to find books about things that interest your child. Take him/her to the library and she can choose him/her own books.

5. Incorporate Reading into a Daily Routine –Make reading something that your child looks forward to.

6. Repetition – Does your child like to be read the same story over and over? That’s okay. Read the same stories again and again. Your child will start enjoying the repetition and become familiar with the way stories are organized.

7. Keep Track of your Child’s Success – Use a composition notebook, use the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten iPhone or Android App; use any method that you want. Give your child praise after she listens to a certain amount of books.

8. Always Carry a Book with You – Always carry a book with you where ever you go to keep your child occupied.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Khan Academy Kids - free learning app by the Khan Academy.

from BBC UK

Free interactive games, books, videos, and printables, suitable for Pre-K and K


Pip- Connected to PYP Learner Profiles - Caring

Boy who hates his disabled dog

Five Senses


The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (animated)

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Howard Wigglebottom -LISTENING helps you stay out of trouble

Owl Babies Picture Book Animation

Creepy Carrots

Pete the Cat - I love My White Shoes

Feeling Happy, Feeling Safe - Saying No

Safe Touch / Unsafe Touch

This is Our House

Caterpillar Shoes

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Howard Wigglebottom - Anger Management


Put On Your Shoes

Humpty Dumpty

Old MacDonald Had A Farm


Yes, I Can!


Five Little Speckled Frogs

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Wheels on the Bus

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Rain, Rain, Go Away

If You're Happy and You Know it...

Finger Family

Alice The Camel

Five Little Monkey

Open Shut Them

Johny Johny Yes Papa Peekaboo

Humpty Dumpty Learn From Your Mistakes

Hickory Dickory Dock

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream ?

Do You Like Lasagna Milkshakes?

Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?

Do You Like Pickle Pudding?

Baby Shark

Swimming Song

Sick Song

Bath Song

"No No" Bedtime Song

Color Song

Peek a Boo Song

Sharing Song

This Is The Way

Traffic Safety Song