Communication Skills - Get reading!
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
Sir Richard SteeleThe Four Friends: Russian with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The Greatest Treasure: German with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The Greatest Treasure: Arabic with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The Wind and the Sun : Hindi with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults "BookBox.Com"
Le petit pianiste : Apprendre le Français avec sous-titres - Histoire pour enfants ""
Rosa Goes to the City: Chinese(Mandarin) with subtitles- Story for Children - ""
The Greatest Treasure: Italian with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The First Well: Greek with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The Greatest Treasure: Polish with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults ""
Turtle's Flute: Portuguese with subtitles - Story for Children ""
পাঁচটা মটরশুটি | Five Peas in a Pod in Bengali | Bangla Cartoon | Bengali Fairy Tales
The River and the Mountain : English (IND) with subtitles - Story for Children ""
The Elves and the Shoemaker : Turkish with subtitles - Story for Children "BookBox.
The Whispering Palms: Dutch with subtitles - Story for Children ""
Turtle's Flute: Japanese with subtitles - Story for Children ""
Don’t Turn the Page : Spanish with English - Stories for Children and Adults ""
International literature & storytelling
Kamishibai (Paper theatre - Japan)

Create a digital story
How one elementary class did digital storytelling
Here are some more websites about Digital storytelling:
Digital Storytelling with PowerPoint
Student Guide: Using Google Slides for Digital Story Telling
Online stories
International Children's Digital Library
Project Gutenberg - free ebooks
Interactive stories for preschool, kindergarten and Grades 1 to 5.
Classical Music for Reading - Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Tchaikovsky...
HALIDONMUSICPublished on 9 Jul 2018
Booktalking, Book Reports and more...

How to give a book talk!

Challenge yourself to read everywhere!
1. Talk with your child. Model sentence structure and grammar. Enrich their vocabulary. Oral language establishes the foundations for reading skills and written language.
2. Read aloud with your child—regularly and frequently. Don’t stop reading to your child once you think their reading is underway.
3. Let your child see you read and know, through your example, that it is a pleasurable and important activity. Make it clear that reading does not have gender restrictions.
4. Have lots of reading material of all kinds around home. Make sure there are plenty of books for readers of all levels with different interests.
5. Reading should be fun - not stressful - for anyone. If you or your child are getting anxious or cross - STOP! 10 short happy minutes (or 2) are better than 20 frustrated ones.
6. Remember that at times, night time reading might be just looking at books and pictures together, maybe talking about them or maybe just you doing the reading. The exposure to reading and the modelling is often underestimated.
7. Remembering a story and claiming to be ‘reading’ is a child’s attempt to model your behaviour. Be very encouraging.
How to teach a child to read: Three letter words
Source: TeacherBelk
How To Read With Your Child
Source: Hampton Primary School. Published on 4 May 2014
Parents MUST help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. These 5 tips will make reading with your child more effective.
Nightly Reading Homework: Best Practices for Parents
Source: Cult of Pedagogy. Published on 24 Aug 2014
Increasing Your Students' Reading Fluency: Strategies That Work, Grades 1-3
Source: BERStaffDevelopment
Recommended book lists and book review websites
Children's Book Reviews & Recommended Titles
Booklists for social and emotional learning:
"Children’s literature provides both mirrors and windows for readers. Some books are mirrors, reflecting children’s experiences, feelings, and cultures. Other books are windows, giving children an opportunity to see the world through others’ eyes. Reading books that reflect our diverse population enhances children’s social and emotional development, especially the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others."Open Circle, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College 2018.LITERATURE EVENTS IN THE LIBRARY
There is no more powerful way to develop a love of reading than being read to. Hearing pronunciations, decoding words in context, experiencing the development and completion of a well-plotted story as though you were there are reason enough to read aloud but there's more. Reading in general and reading aloud specifically is positively correlated to literacy and success in school. It builds foundational learning skills, introduces and reinforces vocabulary, and provides a joyful activity that's mostly free, cooperative, and often collaborative. Did you know reading aloud:
- Puts children almost a year ahead of those who do not receive daily read-alouds regardless of parental income, education level or cultural
- background (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research).
- Lets kids experience different worlds with differing cultures.
- Lets kids learn empathy by hearing how the characters reacted to pain and joy.
- Provides a storified way to unravel thorny problems and answer difficult questions.
- Teaches children strategies for dealing with stressful situations like a new sibling or the first day of school.
- Expands a child's vocabulary by introducing them to new words that are defined in context (rather than learned from a word list), helping them decipher the nuances of synonyms -- why "Azure" is a better choice than "Blue" or how "Scooted" and "Scrambled" provide a different image of how a character is walking.
- Exposes kids to different genres and authors that may get them into reading on their own. Who doesn't have a story of a student who didn't like reading until they discovered Goosebumps or Harry Potter?
- Builds a bond between reader and readee that starts with the shared emotion of the story.
- Teaches children how to sit quietly and listen while another is talking.
International Mother Language Day 21 February (UBESCO)
What's your mother language?
Read the stories by They are spoken in many of the mother languages of our elementary students.
Read aloud every day
Creating more passionate readers through independent reading by ILA (International Literacy Association)
Read loud to your children to boost their vocabulary by Margaret Kristin Merga
Free Voluntary Reading by Education World
Research article: Free Voluntary Reading: It Works for First Language, Second Language and Foreign Language Acquisition by Stephen Krashen
International Mother Language Day - UNESCO
A language is far more than a means of communication; it is the very condition of our humanity. Our values, our beliefs and our identity are embedded within it. It is through language that we transmit our experiences, our traditions and our knowledge. The diversity of languages reflects the incontestable wealth of our imaginations and ways of life.