Thinking Skills
"The important thing is not to stop questioning."
Albert Einstein "The important thing is not to stop questioning."
What is metacognition? by Edutopia
Habits of Mind Animations: Thinking & Communicating with Clarity & Precision
Thinking about thinking
Thinking about thinking
This is called metacognition!
This is called metacognition!

40 reflection questions to scaffold student thinking by Edutopia.
40 reflection questions to scaffold student thinking by Edutopia.
7 important questions to ask yourself:
7 important questions to ask yourself:
1. what should I do first?
1. what should I do first?
2. Can I explain what I have learned?
2. Can I explain what I have learned?
3. Is anything confusing to me?
3. Is anything confusing to me?
4. Should I ask for extra help?
4. Should I ask for extra help?
5. Why did I get this answer wrong?
5. Why did I get this answer wrong?
6. Can I apply this in different contexts?
6. Can I apply this in different contexts?
7. How can I do better next time?
7. How can I do better next time?
Creating your own board game
Create a digital story
How to make your own trading cards game by hand
Design a poster in CANVA
How to make a chatterbox

Snakes and ladders game
A game using design thinking behaviours
A game using design thinking behaviours
Using Primary and Secondary resources
Using Primary and Secondary resources
(OSLIS Elementary Videos)
Using newspapers and online articles
It's free to read Newsela. Join and get unlimited access to read every article at every reading level. Using newspapers and online articles
Time for Kids USA
BTN (Behind The News) Australia
Inquiry resources: Ways to wonder.
Inquiry resources: Ways to wonder.
The Conversation: Articles on Curious Kids
The Kid Should See This: Smart videos for kids of all ages
Exploratorium (science)
5 ways to spot fake news (Commonsense Media)
5 ways to spot fake news (Commonsense Media)
Be a critical thinker!
Be a critical thinker!